open house & TOur

sunday, march 9 • 9:30am & 12PM • 2nd & 3rd Floor

Lunch (taco soup & homemade pie) will be available for $10!
Whole homemade pies will be available for purchase for $20!

worship with us
sunday mornings at
8:30 & 10:30 AM

in person or online

high tea & trivia

march 23 • 4-6pm • FEllowship hall

Join the Fellowship Team for our annual high tea & trivia!
Traditional high tea will be served, with finger foods & prizes!

Spring Outdoor
work day

Saturday • march 29 • 9am - noon

Volunteers needed! Help spruce up the church grounds
before Easter. Bring gloves, hats, water, and gardening tools!

Spring youth groups

Sunday nights • returns January 12

Chi-Rho, Biweekly  •  4-5pm

CYF, Weekly  •  5-6pm

Contact Topher Endress for more information!

COffee Fellowship hour

9:30 Am Sunday mornings

in yonker fellowship hall

returning sunday, september 8

Interested in hosting a coffee hour?
Contact the Church Office at for more information.

Welcome to First Christian Church

Our vibrant faith community gives witness to the love and compassion of Jesus Christ in downtown Columbia, Missouri  and across the globe. Our historic congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was established in 1832. All people are welcome to join us for worship, nurture in service, grow in education, and linger in fellowship!

join us for worship

We welcome all people to share in First Christian Church’s mission: 
To know God and follow Jesus Christ. 

8:30 & 10:30 AM sundays

join us on youtube

nurture in service

Whether down the street or on the other side of the world, the Mission Outreach department organizes service and donation opportunities in places where care and nurture are most needed.

grow in education

As Disciples of Christ, spiritual exploration through education is fundamental to our way of life. We provide opportunities for spiritual growth and practice in a variety of educational offerings for all ages.

linger in fellowship

Food, friendship, and travel all go hand in hand with the gatherings at FCC. Picnics and potlucks, books and games, art and trips: just a few of our opportunities for fellowship. 

Open doors, welcome all

First Christian Church welcomes people of every age, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, relationship status, family structure, economic status, and educational level. We believe all people are created in the image of God; thus, all are welcomed to participate fully in the life of our church and serve in leadership.

Find us

101 N. 10th Street
Columbia, Missouri