Nearly 200 years ago...
Fifteen members formed First Christian Church in 1832, the same year the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination was founded. Two locations, three buildings and nearly 200 years later, our congregation still serves Columbia and the surrounding community.
Our current sanctuary, first built in 1892.
Expanding the vision...
Over the years, members of First Christian Church have been found in all walks of life in Columbia and the surrounding communities, as well as state and national leadership in the denomination. Several missionaries have traveled to foreign lands. Countless acts of love and nurturing have been performed by church members for one another and for our neighbors.
Where we're headed...
Having recently completed two 3-year capital campaigns resulting in $2 million raised to repair our historic building, our church is now focusing on using that space as a springboard for service and spiritual growth in the name of Jesus Christ. Only time will tell what the coming decades will bring for our congregation, but our faith and purpose remain unchanged, and it is our hope to continue God’s work throughout Columbia and beyond.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 8:30 am and 10:30 am.