worship services

classic in style, fresh in spirit

Sunday morning at First Christian Church feels traditional, but the message and attitude aren't stuffy or old-fashioned. Our services offer prayers, hymn singing, organ or piano music, choral music or soloists, a sermon for the day based on scripture, and weekly communion. We observe the seasons of Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Advent and Christmas.

Summer Worship SChedule


9:30 Service

From Memorial Day Sunday to Labor Day Sunday, we gather together for one simple service during the summer. Our ministers will wear robes, and you'll get to enjoy music from the organ, piano, and chancel choir.

Regular worship schedule

beginning september 8

8:30 service

Casual and intimate, the clergy lead without robes and preach from the sanctuary floor. Hymns are accompanied by piano and soloist.

10:30 service

Majestic and grand, we pull out the stops on the organ and the clergy wear robes. A choir anthem, children’s moment, and additional responses or hymns round out the service.
COVID-19 Note: During the pandemic, we are following City of Columbia ordinance protocols. We have two on-site services at 8:30 & 10:30 am on Sundays, and masks are now optional while attending worship or other church events, dependent upon personal preference. Click our Online Worship tab on the left to learn more about our online worship options.

children's worship

nursery care

Following the children's moment in the 10:30 a.m. worship service, kids in kindergarten-5th grade can go with leaders to the 3rd floor of the Education building for their own worship time followed by constructive craft, reading, and play time. Children’s Worship is  “kid-friendly” and includes songs, a devotion, prayers including The Lord’s Prayer, and offering.
Nursery care is provided by trained attendants for infants through pre-school aged during worship services and all church activities. The nursery is located on the second floor of the Lemmon Education building.


An elevator serves all four floors of the education building, making the office, classrooms, and restrooms accessible to people with disabilities. Ramps located in the first floor of the atrium connect the sanctuary to the education building. Listening devices for the hearing impaired, large print hymnals for eyes requiring extra help, children’s packets for children with active attention spans, and shawls for warmth are available to make all services enjoyable, comfortable, and accessible. Just ask an usher for any of these items or directions to the elevator.
Image of the ramp in the atrium of First Christian Church, red carpet with a white railing and clean, beige stone lit well by skylights. On the left are large stain glass windows, slightly covered by lush green houseplants.