O & A Exploratory survey
This is an anonymous survey. Please offer your honest answer of how you would vote in response to adopting the welcome statement, approved by our Elders and our Administrative Board, so we can asses the next step in the Open & Affirming Process.
First Christian Church's Welcome Statement
At First Christian Church our mission is to know God and follow Jesus Christ, who calls us to be an Open and Affirming, inclusive faith community. We celebrate God's boundless and unconditional love by intentionally welcoming and affirming all people, as God embraces us. We welcome persons of every age, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, relationship status, family structure, economic status, and educational level into the full life of our congregation. Our paths may differ, but we journey in faith together. Wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome!
If a vote were held today on the above welcome statement, how would you respond? Please thoughtfully cast your vote below.
First Christian Church's Welcome Statement
At First Christian Church our mission is to know God and follow Jesus Christ, who calls us to be an Open and Affirming, inclusive faith community. We celebrate God's boundless and unconditional love by intentionally welcoming and affirming all people, as God embraces us. We welcome persons of every age, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, relationship status, family structure, economic status, and educational level into the full life of our congregation. Our paths may differ, but we journey in faith together. Wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome!
If a vote were held today on the above welcome statement, how would you respond? Please thoughtfully cast your vote below.