Blue Christmas

Dec 9, 2020    Rev. Dr. Brad Stagg, Rev. Sally Robinson, Dr. Kim Leon

A contemplative service of hope and healing, this service is particularly crafted for those who feel at odds with or estranged from the general feelings of joy and happiness typically associated with the Christmas season. These may be those of us who have suffered a personal loss: death of a loved one, divorce, illness, or job loss. It can also be the right chance to deal with the many emotions found in this year of Coronavirus. The Blue Service seeks to offer comfort in the reminder we are not alone and that our feelings are honored. Lovely healing music and candle light will be shared. Having candles ready at home to light will help worshipers to have an opportunity to take part in the healing ritual of light as the service proceeds. The service is now available on our YouTube Channel: First Christian Church - Columbia, Missouri. Please make time to think about others who might benefit from this special service and share the link to this comforting service with them.